Blasting Spares 

The machine body housing should be made from a steady construction, completely protected on the inside with wear resistant steel. Wheels have been designed in many different ways. Our company could provide high chrome anti-abrasion spare parts are used in different types of shot blasting equipment including wheel vanes, impeller, impeller case, impeller vanes, impeller head, guard plate, lining plates and so on.  All parts are made of high chrome alloy steel, heat treated to give long life.  Blade, Impeller Control Cage are hardened. Bare-wheel which are hardened & balanced gives long life which is our specialty. Blades are balanced within 5 gms for long life and trouble free service.   Rolling Mn13 plate  has wonderful wear-resisting performance to strong impact and abrasion of the pills,  the bigger the force of impact, the bigger the anti-friction
under strong impact or larger contact  stress, the plate surface will produce work hardening , surface hardness will rise quickly from HB200  to more than  HB500 , thus producing high wear-resisting surface layer, while the plate internal  austenite still sustain good impact toughness. And with the gradual wear of the surface hardening layer, the new work hardening layer will continuously come into being,  so no crush in the use. Service life can reach at least10 years. 
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