Floor Shot blasting 

PAXAA manufactures portable closed-loop shot blast system for flours blasting & cleaning. This system is very economical, fast & flexible. The processed surface of the floor is completely dry, clean, with rough texture.
This operation can be used on steel, concrete & asphalt. It is usually used for cleaning ship decks, top & bottom of petroleum tanks, naval steel sheets, industrial floors, airport track, etc.
It can be used in closed areas & confined space without risk on operators health & safety. The system use closed loop circulation of abrasive, therefore it is environmental friendly & has no emission. Recycling of the abrasives brings low consumable cost.
Typical methods like chemical, damp-blasting or high pressure hydro-washing  leave the surface wet so further operation needs time for drying process.


Technical specification:


Blasting width
240 mm
450 mm
Blasting capacity on steel
15-20 m2/hour
50-60 m2/hour
Blasting capacity on concrete/asphalt
40-60 m2/hour
150-180 m2/hour
Blasting  media consumption
0.3-2 kg/m2
0.3-2 kg/m2
Power consumption
11 kW
30 kW
Air requirement
105 liters/min @ 6bar
105 liters/min @ 6bar


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