Rebar stack Shot blast 

The machine is engineered for inline cleaning of external surfaces of Small diameter pipes, rods and bars. To get more economical result, several rebars are arranges in a 8-32 stack side by side in an special grooved roller conveyor. In this configuration several turbines are placed around rebar stack and cleans circumference of all rebars that passing through the blasting chamber. The machine is simple to operate with minimum maintenance and the operator has to simply load and unload the rebars on grooved rollers. The steel shots are used as blast cleaning media. The external surfaces of rebars are required to be blast cleaned to remove rust, corrosion and prepare the surface for possible thermal coating and painting.

The machines are highly productive and featured with grooved roller conveyor arrangement, Stack loading and unloading mechanism, 4 high speed blasting wheels, shot recovery and cleaning system, dry dust collection unit and control panels.
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